We believe in Lord that He encourages the local people and churches to experiencing difficulties, through prayer support
and other practical forms of help and equip them to convert their present times of trouble into occasions for testimony to
Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Church. Also prepare local people and churches in Pakistan to face possible adverse times
in the years ahead. Even we can’t do everything but we want in Christ to do something for our people and contribute
our best efforts for the community development among Christians because Changed lives can Change Society. Our Sevenfold
Ministry Plan is as under:
1) Church Planting: We have vision to build the churches in urban and rural areas because still many places in Pakistan don’t have Church and Pastor to serve the people
of God, and they have strong desire to praise God, but lack of leaders they can’t achieve the spiritual food on their
daily life. God gave us strong desire for the church planting all over the Pakistan,
especially in Punjab province because our mother language is Punjabi and it’s easy
to communicate the people. Most of villages have many believers but they have no place and shepherd. But they are having worship
in House Churches. At the present moment SMC have no building and having worship and fellowship in the House Base Churches
in different place, because of lack of finance and supporters.
2) Outreach Evangelism: Our vision is that the un-reached people of Pakistan come to Christ and un-churched people become committed Christians and part of the life and worship of
the church.
3) Home Cell Groups: Making cell groups are the ways
to worship God without church building. In this way the believers gather every evening in the church members’ houses
to worship God and have a fellowship, sometime dinner, tea times and share their problems and also invite new comers. It’s
good to have them a close relationship with each other as a body of the Christ.
4) Healing Crusades: This is one of the effective way
to having personal fellowship with believers and non-believers to gather people in one place and share the Good News without
any barrier or denomination to glorify the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. In Healing Crusades even believers come but sometimes
unbelievers also come and have a good experience through Holy Spirit and get healing and confess their sins and believe that
Jesus is the Christ and Saviour of all nations.
5) Education: Our vision, and prayer, is that all Christian
can get the education and be raised to that status in Pakistan,
to the glory of God and to the strengthening of His church among my nation. Our first and foremost aim is to eradicate illiteracy
from the country by making education accessible to all, irrespective of the gender, caste and social status and to provide
quality education in little time and money but especially to the believers. Works and enables the poor to improve their lives
and to develop their capacity and community strengths. For this reason we think we need biblical and secular education.
That’s why God gave us a vision to build the Mission School
for the students and also Bible School
for the adults to train them and send them out into full-time evangelism and church planting for the extension of God’s Kingdom.
We hope everyone in the society will use their full potential and lives a life of equality and
dignity. To introduce such curriculum this is in line with our moral, religious and cultural values and to concentrate on
moral development and character building.
6) Audio Visual Programs: Audio
Visual programs are very important to start in Pakistan, because many Christians are not educated and lack of the education,
we need to do some audio and visual programs that if they can’t read then they can listen the Audio Bible, Messages
on different topics and Gospel Music. And also they can see the religious movies and documentaries to get the knowledge to
glorify the name of God. We want to provide them freely because they are not very strong in economic condition and we don’t
want to put more burdens on their shoulders. We also want to arrange musical concert in different places from the different
churches choir teams to having a get together fellowship with each other.
7) Welfare Society: Through welfare
society, we can help them in different ways. Likewise build an Elderly House, Vocation training center, Medical mission, Computer
training center and having some other social works like feeding poor people, distributing clothes, helping finding jobs supporting
orphanages and counseling the people.